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Year 6


Stokenham Area Primary School

Dear Parents,

Happy New Year!

We hope you have all had a happy and healthy break.

Listed below are the themes for each subject area that we will be following this term which we hope you will find useful.


Year 5

Year 6



This picture book contains no words so this unit provides the children with the opportunity to write a narrative of the events. Considering how authors build tension and convey time across a text.

Where my Wellies Take Me

This non-fiction text will help us to link different ideas between and across paragraphs and include relative clauses in our writing.

A Word in your Ear

This is a narrative piece. This book is a collection of stories, we will base the majority of the teaching upon the first short story. The focus of this unit will be upon creating a story that changes pace.

Are Humans Damaging the Atmosphere?

This is a non-fiction based text, where children will write an information text based on a topic of interest.


Multiplication and Division 

  • Multiplying and dividing two and three-digit numbers by single digits using partitioning, expanded and short methods. 
  • Handle regrouping, remainders, and exchanges 
  • Apply efficient strategies to solve multiplication and division problems. 

Area and Measurement 

  • Measure area using counting, square centimetres, and square metres. 
  • Calculate the area of rectangles and rectilinear shapes and solve related problems. 
  • Compare and describe areas, lengths, and other measurements using multiplication and division. 
  • Solve problems and analyse changes in mass, capacity, and time. 


  • Times and divide fractions.
  • Noticing the relationship between converting between fractions, decimals and percentages.


  • Beginning to notice patterns within an algebraic format.


  • Finding ratios of integers and noticing the relationships.


  • Finding the area, perimeter and volumes of shapes.
  • This will follow on from measurements that we covered in Year 5.


Properties and Changing Materials 

  • Compare and group everyday materials based on properties like hardness, solubility, transparency, and conductivity. 
  • Understand and demonstrate reversible and irreversible changes in states of matter. 
  • Learn and apply specific scientific concepts to different situations. 
  • Record findings using a variety of methods. 


  • Looking at light travelling.
  • Understanding how shadows are created.
  • Demonstrate how shadows can change by planning investigations.
  • Record findings using a variety of methods.




  • Accounts of Lindisfarne raids
  • Reasons for migration and what Britain had to offer the Viking people
  • How life changed for people in the Britain
  • Reasons why King Alfred many be considered ‘Great’

The Impact of War

  • How wars are detrimental to small villages.
  • How have wars impacted children’s lives in our locality.
  • Understand how the World Wars impacted daily life.
  • Understand how our knowledge of the past is constructed from a range of sources.


The Alps

  • Formation of the Alps
  • How homes are adapted to the climate.
  • Use physical maps to locate places and regions in the Alps.
  • The advantages and disadvantages of tourism in the Alpine region.

Climate Change

  • Identifying threats to the health of our planet.
  • Describe and understand key aspects of the distribution of natural resources.
  • Evaluate renewable and nonrenewable energy sources.
  • Understand the importance of protecting our oceans. 



  • Explore the question: "Why do Hindus try to be good?"
  • Understand the importance of atman in Hindu beliefs.
  • Learn how dharma influences the way Hindus live their lives.
  • Continue to explore and compare different beliefs and religions.


  • What are the main Jewish beliefs about God.
  • What the Sefer Torah is and how it is used.
  • The different laws Jewish people need to follow.
  • What happens during worship at a synagogue.

Art and DT

Mixed Media Land and Cityscapes

  • Share response to David Hockney and Kittie Jones’ work.
  • Use onepoint perspective.
  • Use different sized paint brushes and use different dilutions of ink and paint.


  • Learning what frame structures are
  • Key architect – Charles Leon Stephen Sauvestre
  • Designing, making and evaluating own structure


  • Introduce the relationship between Print and Activism.
  • Using collage, stencils and drawing to create a final piece.



  • Learn what a frame structure is.
  • Research key architects relevant to designing frame structures.
  • Design, make and evaluate own structure.  


Make You Feel My Love

  • Sing Make You Feel My Love
  • Play instrumental parts to accompany the song.
  • Improvise short melodies, exploring different dynamics.
  • Reflect on their performance and identify areas for improvement.


  • Listen and reflect on a piece of music played by an orchestra.
  • Create a piece of music inspired by orchestral music.
  • Plan and compose an 8 or 16 beat melodic phrase (pentatonic/palindrome).



  • Describing the weather
  • Recognise the weather
  • Read a weather map
  • Introduce the weather


  • Telling the time.
  • Describe activities at different times.
  • Using connectives to extend sentences.



  • Explore and perform counter balance and counter tension balances on the floor and on apparatus.
  • Create and perform sequences that link balances with fluid movements.
  • Focus on applying flow to sequences, ensuring smooth transitions.
  • Experiment with different ways to combine movements and balances.


  • Refine and apply skills for batting, fielding, and bowling.
  • Develop and use tactics for both batting and fielding within team situations.
  • Apply these skills and tactics successfully during games and activities.


Physical Computing

  • Understand and create wiring diagrams to show component connections.
  • Build models to support and integrate hardware components.
  • Test and debug codes using a Crumble device.


  • Introducing variables.
  • Variables in programming.
  • Improving a game.
  • Designing a game.
  • Design to code.


Living in the Wider World 

  • Understand the importance of showing compassion towards others. 
  • Explore ways to contribute to helping the environment. 
  • Learn different methods for keeping track of money and managing finances.



With best wishes,

Laura Longland and Lottie Edwin                                

Year 5 and Year 6


This Year’s Curriculum

Stokenham Area Primary School Curriculum Map

If you would like further information in relation to the curriculum please feel free to contact the school office.