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Year 6


Stokenham Area Primary School

Outline Planning for Autumn Term 2024 Years 5 & 6

Dear Parents,

Welcome back after what we hope has been a lovely summer break.

We have listed below the themes for each subject area that we will be following this term which we hope you will find useful.

Core Subjects

Maths: Year 5 will begin their maths learning with a continuation of Decimal Fractions, a unit which focuses on place value and numbers within and across 1. This unit will embed the understanding of parts of wholes, including units of measure. Year 6 will begin the term looking at Place Value, before moving on to ensure that children can confidently solve mathematical questions using all four operations quickly and effectively. It is vital that all children practise their times tables and number bonds regularly so that they have rapid recall of these facts.

English: We will focus on a variety of texts; both fiction and non-fiction. We will ensure that children build on the skills they already have and are encouraged to become more confident in using a variety of punctuation in their writing.


Year 5

Year 6

Autumn 1.1

I am Cat – Poetry


The Sea by James Reeves - poetry

Autumn 1.2

The Tear Thief - Fiction

Varjak Paw by SF Said - fiction

Autumn 2.1

Wallace and Gromit Cracking Contraptions - Non-fiction

Women in Science - biography

Autumn 2.2

Flotsam - Picture book

Christmas Advert - narrative

There will be weekly spellings which will be taken from the Spelling Curriculum ‘No Nonsense Spelling’ from Babcock.

Reading: Our reading curriculum involves daily whole class guided reading lessons based around the class reader and a range of fiction and non-fiction texts which have curriculum links to our topics. We have planned for progression, diversity and challenge using carefully planned texts that are exciting and relevant to the children’s learning whilst allowing the opportunity for development of key comprehension, inference and retrieval skills.

Foundation Subjects


In History we will be studying the ‘Anglo-Saxons’ in Year 5 and the ‘Industrial Revolution’ in Year 6. The children will use a variety of primary and secondary sources to note similarities and differences of past societies and cultures and how that relates to our civilisation today.


This term will be spent studying geographical skills and concepts through the topics ‘How our country is changing’ in Year 5, where they will investigate local changes and local at changes to our country. Year 6 will explore ‘The Amazon’, focusing on the climate, rainforest and river, as well as the human geographical features. Children will use a variety of sources to navigate their way through.

Science: In Year 5 we will be studying the unit ‘Forces’ in the first half term, which looks at a variety of different areas such as gravity, air, water resistance and friction. The children will learn about how the work of Scientists such as Sir Isaac Newton has influenced the world we live in today. In Autumn 2 we will be learning about ‘Earth and Space’. We will identify the phases of the moon, the planets in our solar system and will conduct physical experiments to show how vast our universe is. In Year 6 we will be taking a look at the classification of animal and plant life – looking at the invaluable work of scientists such as Carl Linnaeus. The children will learn and understand specific concepts and be given the opportunity to apply this knowledge to a variety of situations. Children will be encouraged to record their findings in a variety of ways.

Computing: In Year 5 this term, we are looking at computer systems and will be developing our understanding of how information is transferred between devices. After half-term we will be creating media and learning how to import and edit videos. In Year 6, we are learning about the World Wide Web as a communication tool. They will then investigate different methods of communication, before focusing on internet-based communication. Finally, they will evaluate which methods of internet communication to use for particular purposes.

RE: This term Year 5 will be learning about Christianity with an enquiry question: ‘Creation and Science: Conflicting or complementary?’ We will look at a text from Genesis in the Bible to learn how Christians believe the world was created and compare this to scientific views on cosmology and evolution. Year 6 will be learning about Islam and what it is like for Muslim people in Britain today. In Autumn 2 about Christianity following the enquiry question ‘Why do Christians believe that Jesus is the Messiah?’. The children will look at religious texts, along with views from other religious and non-religious people to form well-rounded ideas and opinions on the topic.

PSHE: Both Year 5 and 6 will be focusing on relationships in the Autumn term. We will be discussing strategies to manage friendships and ‘peer influence’, recognising and managing pressure and how to respond respectfully to prejudice and discrimination. This will be done through a variety of methods including circle time, whole class discussions and assemblies.

ART/DT: In Year 5 we will be exploring the work of designers who work with font and typography. The children will explore how we can use visual letters and other elements to help convey ideas and emotions. We will go on to create our own typography and develop our skills further in a visual map project. Year 6 will explore how artists embrace aspects of their experience of life – using their background, culture, race, gender and interests to inform and shape their artwork. The children will create a layered portrait to explore aspects of their own identity, thinking about line, shape, colour, texture and meaning.

Music: This term, Year 5 will be focusing on the song: Livin' On A Prayer. They will continue to learn to sing, play, improvise and compose music using a range of instruments. In Year 6, we will be focusing on Jazz and the songwriter Burt Bacharack. We will think about composition and using a variety of instruments.

French: Year 6 will be learning about school in French by labelling school items in French and building up their speaking skills by being able to say where things are in the classroom in French. Year 5 will be enhancing their reading and speaking skills in French concentrating on animals. They will start to use simple connectives to ask and answer questions about a range of animals and pets.

PE: Children will need to bring the correct P.E kit into school for their P.E sessions this year, which for the Autumn term will take place on a Thursday and a Friday. We are extremely lucky to be joined by Plymouth Argyle sports coaches as well as Achieve 4 All for our PE sessions this term. Year 5 will have a skill-based P.E lesson on a Thursday which they will then put into practice in their second lesson on a Friday. Year 6 will have their PE sessions on a Friday with the Achieve4All coaches. Children will focus on a range of skills including coordination, agility and control of ball skills in planned lessons from our P.E curriculum.

Homework for both year groups will be given out on a Friday and expected back on the Wednesday. It is also vital that children continue to practise their spellings, times tables and independent reading at home with recorded notes in reading record books. We thank you for your continued support with this, please do not hesitate to contact school if you have any questions or queries and we will organise a meeting with you.

With best wishes,

Laura Longland and Lottie Edwin                                

Year 5 and Year 6


This Year’s Curriculum

Stokenham Area Primary School Curriculum Map

If you would like further information in relation to the curriculum please feel free to contact the school office.