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Year 3

Stokenham Area Primary School

Stokenham Area Primary School

Spring Term 2025 - Year 3

Dear Parents,

I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas break; the children have certainly come back this week ready to learn and get back to our routines. They have made great progress through the first term and we are very excited to continue working with them this term.

For the first half-term we will have forest school with Mrs. Moore on Friday afternoons, please ensure the children come with wellies, waterproofs and warm clothing. We also have PE on Wednesdays so please can children ensure they have a full PE kit in school.

Below you will find information on what we will be studying this term.


To start the new term we will be looking at and investigating right angles before moving on to additive relationships and mental calculations.

After half term we will get to grips with the column methods for addition and then subtraction. We will also be starting our daily times tables lessons.


This term in Class 3 we will be studying Jack and The Dreamsack as our fictional text followed by the non-fiction text Ask Dr. Fisher which will tie into previous learning about animals. We will continue to develop children’s literacy skills and help them to improve their punctuation, sentence structure, vocabulary

and handwriting. There will be daily spelling practice and a set of spellings to learn each week, so it is important that children practice these ready for a test on Friday. Every child will have a daily class reading sessions, with a focus on comprehension skills including inference and deduction.


This subject will be taught separately from our topics and children will develop key scientific skills through hands-on, investigative sessions. We will be studying two topics this term: light and forces and magnetism. These topics lend themselves to lots of fun investigations and we will be asking for torches to come to school occasionally if possible.


We will continue on from our learning about the Stone Age by comparing and contrasting, through the use of sources, the Bronze Age and Iron Age. We will learn what life was like for people living in Britain during these time periods and learn some key facts. We will explore the importance of the improvements made using bronze and will continue to develop a chronologically secure knowledge of British History.


This term we will be exploring the world around us, looking at different mapping styles and which maps are suitable for finding specific information. We will also be learning about latitude, longitude and how these are used to pinpoint locations and the use of grid references on maps to find landmarks using both online and offline methods.


In our module working with shape and colour we will be exploring collage using cut elements, choosing colour, shape, and composition to make a unique piece. The children will add to their collages by stencilling, exploring positive and negative shapes during the process.


This term children will continue to look at Hinduism, moving on from our topic of deities, to investigate what it means to be a Hindu today. After half-term we will then be examining what Christians believe around the salvation, with a focus on Good Friday.

Design Technology

Year 3 will be learning about shell structures, looking at the work of Sir Nicholas Grimshaw which includes the Eden project and London Waterloo. They will be exploring this topic practically through physical structures and computer aided design (CAD) before carrying out a Design, Make and Evaluate assignment.


In Class 3 we will be exploring instrument use through the glockenspiel, with a focus on timing, rhythm and pace. Pupils will be shown the beginnings of reading sheet music and notations.


In PE this half term we will be looking at symmetry and asymmetry in gymnastics. We will learn to put together a series of balances, incorporating equipment, so that we have a sequence which flows and enables the children to confidently use different levels.

After half term we will be starting to learn the game of Rounders. We will explore the concepts of batting and fielding (attack and defence) and will develop and understanding of the purpose of each team.


This term, children will be focusing on recognising positive healthy relationships, maintaining friendships and how actions affect everyone. There will also be lessons on identifying feelings in others and responding to how others are feeling.


We will develop speaking and listening skills in lively practical sessions alongside learning about French culture. In Year 3 we will be learning to say “I play” through learning French musical instruments making links to other areas of the curriculum.

We ask you to support your child’s learning by reading with him/her every night if possible. Reading is so important for the children to be able to access the rest of the curriculum. In Year 3, we start to learn our times tables and will practise daily. We begin with our doubles and then move on to our two times tables.

The Times Tables Rockstar app is a great way to practise this at home.

Many thanks for your continued support for your child’s learning.

Best wishes,

Clare Parsons and Susannah Taylor

Year 3

This Year’s Curriculum

Stokenham Area Primary School Curriculum Map

If you would like further information in relation to the curriculum please feel free to contact the school office.