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Year 2

Stokenham Area Primary School

Year 2 Outline Planning

Autumn Term 2024

Dear Parents 


The focus for this term will be to raise the children’s confidence in identifying, recognising and understanding the relationship of number and solving mathematical problems.

We will be looking at place value within 100, calculating within 20, fluently adding and subtracting within 10, adding and subtracting two-digit numbers and introducing multiplications.

It is important that all children practise their number bonds to 10 and 20 and their 2, 5 and 10 times tables.


We will build upon the children’s existing skills and help them to improve their punctuation, sentence structure and handwriting.

There will be weekly spelling tests and frequent reading practice sessions for each child so please ensure your child is reading every night and practices their spellings for the following Friday.

We will be focusing on non-fiction texts this term which will include writing non-chronological reports based on the texts ‘What do you do with a tail like this?’ and ‘Weather’.


This term the children will be looking at Everyday Materials and their properties. We will be comparing and identifying a range of materials and finding out how the shapes of solid objects made from some materials can be changed by squashing, bending, twisting and stretching.


Our topic this term is ‘Seasons’. We will be finding out about different types of weather; observing the weather and understanding weather data from pictures, words and symbols; understanding why the weather changes and that there are different types of wind that makes that happen; understanding that there are four seasons in the UK and knowing about parts of the UK and its capital cities.


We will be finding out about ‘Bonfire night and the Great fire of London’. We will be learning about the gunpowder plot, why Guy Fawkes took the action he did, how Bonfire Night changed over the years and why it is still celebrated, know what happened during the Great Fire of London and understand how the fire spread so quickly.


The children will be introduced to the idea that artists are inspired by the world around them. We will explore observational drawing and experimental mark making and think about how they can use composition to create their artwork. We will be combining different drawing media such as wax resist and water colour, graphite, wax crayon and pencil to create Wax Resist Autumn Leaves.

Design Technology

After half term, we will be preparing fruit and vegetables including cooking and nutrition requirements. We will learn where fruit and vegetables are grown, how they are harvested and how they can be prepared. The class will design, make and evaluate their own healthy fruit and vegetable kebabs.


Our topic this term is ‘What is IT? Computing systems and networks – Information technology around us. We will be finding out what Information Technology is and looking at IT all around us. We will be understanding what IT is and identifying devices that are computers and how IT can help them both at school and beyond. We will explore the benefits of using IT in the wider world and how we can use it in different ways. We will also be looking at how we use IT safely and discuss different rules that will keep them safe when using IT.

In the second half of the term, the children will be finding out about digital photography. We will be taking photographs, looking at what makes a good photograph and how lighting and effects can improve photographs and how photographs can be changed by applying different photography composition skills.


Our topic this term is ‘Christianity, Judaism and non-religious faiths’. In the first half of term, we will be looking at the story of the Creation and discussing who Christians say made the world.

In the second half of term, we will be looking at what it means to belong to a faith community and comparing Christianity, Judaism and belonging to non-religious communities.


We will be focusing on finding the pulse, pitch, clapping rhythms, singing in time to the music, listening to voices and instruments and identifying the different instruments they can hear as well as playing instruments along to the music. They will also be improvising, composing and performing their own music based on the songs ‘Hands, Feet, Heart’ and ‘Ho, Ho, Ho’.


The children will have 2 PE sessions per week, one on a Monday and one on a Friday.  One lesson will be skills based and the second one will be applying the skills learnt in different activities.

We will be focusing on Dodging for the first half of the term. The unit of work will challenge pupils to apply their knowledge of how, where and why to dodge. Pupils will learn the roles of attacking and defending and start to understand when we attack and when we defend while using their dodging skills.

In the second half of the term, the children will be doing dance. In this unit the children will develop their ability to create and develop their characters, adding movements, expression and emotion to their performance. They will be able to create a motif and will develop their motifs with a partner to include some different elements of choreography.

Forest School

In the second half of the term we will be doing Forest School. Forest School learning is play based and child initiated. The children are guided by their own interests and the adults present will support their needs wherever possible. The children experience lots of different activities in Forest School including fire lighting, cooking, den building, badge making, as well as having time to independently explore the woods. Our Forest School session will be every Friday afternoon after half term.


This term we are focusing on Relationships. We will be focusing on families and friendships, safe relationships and respecting ourselves and others. Every child will continue to develop their social skills, learn how to get on with each other, feelings and emotions and to have respect and responsibility. This will be achieved through a variety of methods including PSHE lessons and assemblies.


We ask you to continue to support your child’s learning by listening to your child read his/her book every night and also recommend that you enjoy reading and discussing a longer, high-quality text to your child, especially if s/he is still developing reading fluency. Each child has been allocated books on Little Wandle letters and sounds for your child to access the books they are reading in school for you to read at home with them as well. They will also bring a shared reading book home each Friday which they will keep for the week and change every Friday.

Each Friday the children will bring home a spelling list for them to practice and learn  ready for a spelling test the following Friday in school.

We aim to have learned the 2, 5 and 10 times tables by the end of the year and will be asking children to practice these at home throughout the year.

Mrs Prescott

This Year’s Curriculum

Stokenham Area Primary School Curriculum Map

If you would like further information in relation to the curriculum please feel free to contact the school office.