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Year 1

Stokenham Area Primary School

Outline Planning for Autumn Term 2024 Year 1

Welcome to Year 1! We are really looking forward to meeting you all. If you have any questions that you would like to discuss with us then please feel free to come in and see us.


For the first few weeks in Year 1, we will be building upon the children’s previous experiences from Reception. We will be looking at identifying two-digit numbers and counting within 100.

During the rest of the term, we will be looking at counting a set of objects, finding whole numbers and part numbers within a part-part whole model, finding tens and ones within two-digit numbers, showing one more and one less from a given number, investigating 2D and 3D shapes as well as using and applying addition and subtraction facts within 10.


In English we will be improving the children’s punctuation, sentence structure and handwriting skills.

We will be looking at four different texts throughout the Autumn term. These include: ‘Dear Mother Goose’, ‘Zim, Zam Zoom!’ ‘Playing with Friends’ and ‘How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth’. These texts will allow us to look at letter writing, instructions, poetry and finding information.

There will be weekly spelling tests on a Friday as well as frequent reading practice sessions for each child. Please ensure your child is reading every night to help develop their confidence, fluency and understanding of the book.


The children will be looking at Everyday Materials and their properties. They will be identifying and naming different everyday materials including wood, plastic, water, rock and glass. They will also be comparing and grouping materials on the basis of their physical properties.

Foundation Subjects:


The children will be looking at ‘Our Local Area’. They will be describing the places that they go often and rarely and what they see on their way to school. They will understand what is near to school, far away and gain a sense of place. They will be using and understanding simple plans of the classroom; using maps of the local area and remembering a local journey.


The children will be looking at ‘My Family History’. They will be identifying and describing similarities and differences of their own lives, toys, shops, experience of schools and those of a grandparent.


The children will be drawing from their imagination and using different parts of their body to help them draw.  We will look at the artist Molly Hausland and explore using chalk and pastels. We will also share our artwork with each other and explain what we like about each other’s work.

Design Technology.

We will be looking at creating and identifying healthy snacks; discussing where fruit and vegetables come from; preparing fruit and vegetables and making a healthy fruit and vegetable snack. We will also have a go at making some festive treats!


During the first half term we will be looking at technology around us. The children will consider what technology is and where we use it in our everyday lives. We will familiarise ourselves with the chromebooks and try out our mouse and keyboard skills!

In the second half of term, we will be looking at digital technology. We will find out how we can use the computers to paint. We will have a go at creating shapes and lines and make careful choices before creating our own paintings.


This term in RE we will begin by finding out about different faith communities. We will listen to stories of people who belong to different groups and we will discuss the different groups that we belong to and what we enjoy about them.

For the second half of term, we will be enjoying finding out more about Christmas and why it matters to Christians. We will bring the story of the Nativity to life and find out about what happens during Advent.


We will be looking at different songs by a range of musicians, playing instruments in time to the beat and understanding how sounds can create different moods. We will be looking at how particular songs make us feel. We will also be looking at the history of music.  


This term within our PE lessons we will be focusing on team games and basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching. For the first half term, our PE lessons will be every Monday and for the second half term, our PE lessons will be every Monday and Friday.

Forest School

As always Forest School learning is play based and child initiated. The children are guided by their own interests and the adults present will support their needs wherever possible. Forest School will be every Friday afternoon for the first half term in Year 1!


This term Year 1 will be focusing on Relationships. WE will be looking at families and friendships, safe relationships and respecting ourselves and others. Every child will continue to develop their social skills, learn how to get on with each other, feelings and emotions. This will be achieved through a variety of methods including PSHE lessons and assemblies.


In Year 1 we ask you to continue to support your child’s learning by listening to your child read their Little Wandle book. We also recommend that you enjoy reading and discussing a longer, high-quality text to your child. A shared library book will be sent home with your child every Friday.

Warm regards,

Mrs Searle

This Year’s Curriculum

Stokenham Area Primary School Curriculum Map

If you would like further information in relation to the curriculum please feel free to contact the school office.