Year 1
Stokenham Area Primary School
Outline Planning for Spring Term 2025 Year 1
In the first half term we will be looking at:
- recognising, composing and manipulating 2D and 3D shapes
- using part-part whole models to partition numbers to 10
- using mathematical manipulatives to represent numbers within 10
- positioning and estimating numbers on a number line
- odd and even numbers
In the second half term we will be looking at the unit of work 'Additive Structures'. We will be writing equations in different ways; creating number stories and finding missing numbers within different equations.
In English we will continue to improve the children’s punctuation, sentence structure and handwriting skills.
We will be looking at two different texts throughout the Spring Term. These include: 'A Mouse Called Julian' and 'Our Hidden World'. These texts will allow us to look at story writing and information texts.
We will continue to complete a weekly spelling test every Friday as well as frequent reading practice sessions. Please ensure your child continues to read every night to help develop their confidence, fluency and comprehension.
The children will be looking at Animals including humans - Ourselves and Pets. The children will be naming, drawing and labeling the basic parts of the human body and looking at which parts of the body are associated with our 5 senses. After Half Term we will be identifying and naming a range of animals, looking at carnivores, herbivores and omnivores and comparing groups of animals.
Foundation Subjects:
In Geography we will be looking at the unit of work 'People and their Communities'. We will be learning how to:
- locate the world's seven continents
- name the five oceans
- identify human and physical features within a particular area
- read images, maps and globes
In History we will be studying 'The Greatest Explorers'. We will be looking at:
- what we know about explorers and what makes a great explorer
- great explorers from the past such as Christopher Columbus and Ibn Battuta
- local explorers
- using different sources to help find out about explorers from the past
- asking and answering questions to understand an explorer’s story
This term Year 1 will be looking at ‘simple printing’. We will learn how to:
- make simple prints using our hands
- use colour and shapes to make our prints interesting
- use the work of an artist to develop our own ideas
- explore the environment and take rubbings of textures
- cut and stick shapes to make a plate
- print from a ‘plate’
Design Technology
In the second half of the term the children will be focusing on ‘Freestanding Structures’. The children will be looking at a range of freestanding structures within the local area to help us create our freestanding structure. We will learn how to join materials together and make our own freestanding structures stronger, stiffer and more stable.
In the first half term we will be looking at programming a moving robot. The children will be introduced to early programming concepts. We will explore using individual commands, both with other learners and as part of a computer program. We will identify what each command for the floor robot does, and use that knowledge to start predicting the outcome of programs.
In the second half term we will be looking at 'Grouping Data'. This unit introduces learners to data and information. We will be labelling, grouping and searching for information to understand that objects have many different labels that can be used to put them into groups.
In RE we will be focusing on Islam and Christianity. We will be reading stories that are important to Muslims, finding out about messages to Muhammad and introducing places of worship. We will also be looking at why Easter matters to Christians. Within this unit we will be identifying different Easter symbols and reading the Easter story.
This term we will be focusing on listening and appraising a piece of music. The children will be improvising a simple rhythm and composing a simple melody using two given notes. We will be thinking about things an audience might enjoy.
During the first half of term, we will be looking at gymnastics. We will be exploring
movements and balances in wide, narrow and curled ways on the floor and on apparatus as well as linking movements together.
In the second half of term, we will be developing our ball skills. We will be working on catching and throwing and developing our hand eye coordination. We will be building our skills alongside playing partner and team games.
This term Year 1 will be focusing on Living in the Wider World. We will be looking at:
- what rules are
- how we care for people, animals and other living things in different ways
- how we look after the environment
- the benefits of using the internet
- how people find thing out and communicate safely with others online
- how different strengths and interests are needed to do different jobs
- whose job it is to help us in the community
Please continue to ensure that your child practises their spellings and reading at home. We also recommend that you enjoy reading and discussing a longer, high-quality text with your child.
Kind regards,
Mrs Searle and Mrs Page
This Year’s Curriculum
Stokenham Area Primary School Curriculum Map
If you would like further information in relation to the curriculum please feel free to contact the school office.